Monday, May 16, 2011

Alcohol Makes You Stupid?

Obviously alcohol will temporarily impair your judgment but what if this was permanent? Teens are a lot more susceptible to having bad side effects with drugs. For example drinking coffee can stunt their growth, so if caffeine a fairly mild drug can have that much of an effect, what can alcohol do?
`               Research done on teen animals suggests that drinking alcohol young can make you permanently stupid. Rats were taken and fed alcohol, but since rats don’t like alcohol, scientists had to infuse it with a tasty “gel matrix”. The animal’s decision making skills stayed well impaired well into adulthood. This was measured by their tendency to chase after rewards with associated high risk rather than taking a sure thing. Over all, tests show that drinking young can impair your decision making skills for life.
                I think that drinking at a young age is a really stupid decision because the part of your brain that controls decision making isn’t even fully developed yet so drinking makes it even worse.

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