Is it possible for rabits to glow? The answer is yes, by mixing jellyfish genes with a rabits DNA. To me genetic modification seems completely unnatural but there are some benefits. I think selective breeding is a better way to do things. Selective breeding has its downfalls though. Should we be geneticaly modifying plants and animals?
The difference between selective breeding and genetic modification is, selective breeding deals with breeding animals together to get the best result. Genetic modification is when you insert traits into an organisms DNA. Selective breeding has it's benefits. Animals can produce more eggs, milk and meat with selective breeding, but selective breeding has downfalls also. It can cause stress to the animals. Genetic modification has benefits to. you can make plants immune to pestacides, plants can be made to taste better and produce more, and animals can produce more. However, GM has its downfalls aswell. There are potential human health impacts, violation of natural organisms, and harm to the organsisms being used. I think GM should be of more concern to the public because it could lead to a lot of problems for humans. I think GM is completely unnatural and shouldn't be practiced for the saftey of humans, animals, and the enviroment. If Gregor Mendel saw what his discoveries caused I think he would be very amazed but also very sad. Look what selective breeding and GM are doing to animals. Chickens are suffering and dying because they are to heavy, and they grow to fast. I think GM is bad and shouldn't be practiced.